from JulioMuerte
23 November 2017
Building DH Trails #1 | Partie 1/2 ;
Première partie du shape d'une nouvelle ligne sur un spot maison.
Paramètre Protune : * Une color correction à été appliqué en Post-Production.
RES : 4K Mode Timelapse
/!\ ABONNE TOI pour ne rien rater ! :
Musique : Dylan Hardy - Strangely Unaffected [Creative Commons]
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[Timelapse] Building DH Trails #1 | Partie 1/2
from plastimou
21 October 2014
After a year living in Whistler, i had to make an edit to prove that even the baguette and snails eater can do downhill biking.
Even if my kiwi and canadian friends couldn't believe it, eating baguette, snails and drink red wine make you go faster than maple sirup and pancakes!
Be careful though, do not abuse of the red liquid before you go riding, it could help you make some gnarly turns on a straight line...
Thanks a lot to Mateo lee who spent his time to shoot me and edit this vid...
Baguette, croissant and downhill, frenchie in Whistler
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