WonderWoman on Waterslide Les Arcs

WonderWoman on Waterslide Les Arcs

ski Video
Published 02 April 2017


5 years. 5 years I'm in Les Arcs. And 5 years without trying the waterslide...

What is Waterslide?

Les Arcs Waterslide is a swimming pool 50 feet long and 1,3 feet deep. The goal: to cross this swimmingpool by ski ... Or snowboard, telemark, monoski, chaise-longue (yes, yes, I saw!) .... Without falling into the water ...

Without falling into the water when you do it, because when you are a spectator, you only dream of one thing, see the courageous falling in the middle of the water ...

5 years that I am in Les Arcs without ever having done the Waterslide ...

On the other hand, I sent some people, to launch on it ...

"There is nothing simpler! Straight, slightly on the back, the body wrapped not to let the skis go where they want .... (As I would like to tell them: straight ahead, and above all, well on the front of the shoes!)

"Go ahead, I'll take your things and wait for you downstairs!" (Fall down! fall down! fall down!)

Come on! I have to di it!

So of course, I will not go all dressed, backpack, phone ....


Even to undress ...

... So much to go in ... WONDERWOMAN!

The following video is part of it ....

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