In wanting to jump over a river, I make a bad mistake edging sent me the muzzle forward, make a kiss to the stones in the river.
Protections thank you, I think they saved my life :-)
Aloisio11 - Arnica d'or 2015
6 992 Views
from Sticky
17 June 2015
Loïs Bianchin - Arnica d'or 2015 - Sticky Family
4 099 Views
from crewton1
15 June 2015
CREWTON - Arnica d'or 2015
3 495 Views
from Javotte
17 June 2015
Javotte - Arnica d'or 2015
2 240 Views
from We_Ride
16 June 2015
We_Ride - Arnica d'or 2015
2 025 Views
from We_Ride
8 May 2015
Lost In The Snow
from maebiedermann
30 July 2015
Fin de journée à Ovronnaz (CH) en février 2013, je m'essaie alors à mes tous premiers switch 5, qui se soldent en un switch 450 position piquet très peu glorieux, ce qui m'éjecte au sol après un coup de carre des plus vicieux. Malgré la violence du choc, je me relève rapidement, tout de même sacrément secoué.
For pros who ply their trade in front of cameras, much of their winter is based around chasing snow. And despite the shortage of snow that plagued much of North America this winter, a crew of athletes and filmers from TGR found plenty of powder during a recent trip to Revelstoke.
TGR athletes Nick McNutt, Tim Durtschi, Dylan Hood, and Dane Tudor spent several weeks skiing the area’s legendary pillows—and eating shit. See what went down in this episode of Almost Live Presented by Gore-Tex p...
Pillows, Powder, and Falls: Almost Live Episode 5 Season 6 Presented by Gore-Tex Products