Entrainement du 23 janvier 2010 avec Aurélien Knecht pour nous suivre et nous filmer.
Rider : - Christophe Keller Morewood Kalula tenue rouge,
- Jordan Baumann Morewood Mbuzi tenue blanche.
Partenaires : BS trading et Magura.
Les Nains rider, en entrainement.
1 440 Views |
from UR Team
30 May 2012
To welcome again the 2012 World Cup Series, here is our traditional short movie .The aim is to thanks our sponsors, to make you better know each rider and share with you the team spirit and values : DREAM RIDE SHARE .
Make yourself free for the next 15minutes , sit down, get comfortable and enjoy the show.
Here is our new facebook : http://www.facebook.com/UnitedRide , and website http://www.united-ride.com