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TRANSPYRENEES HARDSTYLE - EP2 - On my way to Canigó, from Vallespir to Conflent
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TRANSPYRENEES HARDSTYLE - EP2 - On my way to Canigó, from Vallespir to Conflent

TRANSPYRENEES HARDSTYLE - EP2 - On my way to Canigó, from Vallespir to Conflent

Marc Cerdan
Marc Cerdan
mtb Video
Published 25/11/2013 - 00:20


A project about mountain biking, adventure, personal growth and product development.

TRANSPYRENEES HARDSTYLE Episode 2: On my way to Canigó, from Vallespir to Conflent

In October 2013 I started the 1st big adventure of the project: cross the Pyrenees mountain range by an experimental way, mixing GR10, GR11, HRP routes, mountain bike parks, local enduro trails and climbing as many summits as possible. And I named it the TRANSPYRENEES HARDSTYLE, you will see why... ;-)

And here is the story, I hope to transmit to you all the joy I felt during this trip. Maybe it inspires something new in you, maybe it encourages you to start your own solo mission, ... in that case I will like to know it!

And keep in mind, a solo mission, just starts solo, but the way is full of nice people!

Thanks for watching!

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