Tom van Steenbergen - This Is Home

Tom van Steenbergen - This Is Home

mtb Video
Published 22/12/2016 - 17:47

35 971 views

"Having moved halfway across the world definitely makes you feel fortunate to be living in such a rad place." - Tom van Steenbergen

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Featuring: Tom van Steenbergen
Directed by: Harrison Mendel
Cinematography By: Harrison Mendel, Liam Mullany, Rupert Walker
Edited By: Harrison Mendel
Sound Design: Racket Sound
Title Design: Studio Dialog
Still Photography: Robb Thompson

Special Thanks: Edsard van Steenbergen, Caroline van Steenbergen, Cam McCaul

Bike Big White:
Peter Plimmer
Judd de Vall
Morgan Benbough
Jeremy Hopkinson
Dustin Gilding
Ben Schleith
Jonny Harnisch
Kris Hawryluik
Doug Lundgren
Greg Jowal
Gabe Puglia
Patrick Sheir
Brendan Oslic
Julien Desrosby
Jesse Blackstaffe

"Pay Your Dues"
Performed by: Apathy
Album: Handshakes with Snakes
used with permission from Demigodz Enterprises LLC

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