The Delirium (ten years old girl dare)
The Delirium (ten years old girl dare)
10 years old Sofia Tchernetsky ripping parks and shuffling in several Canadian resorts during the 2012-2013 season
(Silver Star, Big White, Revelstoke, Kicking Horse, Norquay, Calgary's COP)
Video credits: Jon McMurray, Mike Richards, Aiden Mattingly, Theo van Zyl, Angelus Chouinard. Edited by Levente Kovacs
(Silver Star, Big White, Revelstoke, Kicking Horse, Norquay, Calgary's COP)
Video credits: Jon McMurray, Mike Richards, Aiden Mattingly, Theo van Zyl, Angelus Chouinard. Edited by Levente Kovacs