from tampaexteriors
28 September 2014
What's the Normal Cost to Replace Vinyl Siding in Tampa?
So it's finally time to replace that old siding with something fresh and new and now you want to know what's it going to cost.
Depending on the size of your home, replacing your siding can be a costly venture but it's not as expensive as most people think when you break it down to square feet.
Here in sunny Tampa, basic siding costs about $2.71 per square foot. This cost includes the cost of vinyl siding and the c...
from surfezonvousfilme
20 September 2014
Filmed with 12 gopro black edition.
This kind of bullet time is possible cause we have published a software home made. Normally bullet time is created with a lot of cams. We found a solution to use only 12 cams. It's possible with any cam or synchronized DSLR. We chose gopro cause we wanted to make bullet time in aqua shooting.
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