Skons - Full movie

Skons - Full movie

ski Video
Published 14 September 2015

2 376 views

Skons is the first movie of the Jahouse Collective.
We're 7 friends from Switzerland who decided to share our passion for freeskiing and snowboarding with a movie. We are not professionals, just passionated people who want to have fun on the snow, and keep our sport free. If you liked our movie, leave a comment and share it!

Directed and edited by Johan Hollmuller
Featuring: Igor Wandfluh, Armel Strässle, Lucas Howald, Colin Bélet, Didier Brischoux, Stoyan Paratte and Johan Hollmuller
Footages by the Jahouse Collective, additionnal footages by Karim Boulaz, Tim Bouvette and Steve Petermann
Soundtrack at the end of the movie.

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And instagram: @jahousecollective