► Watch more Foxhunt highlights here: http://win.gs/FoxhuntMain
Red Bull Foxhunt returned to Rostrevor in Northern Ireland for the 5th year, but this year was different. History was made as the fox, Gee Atherton, finished in second and gained a place on the podium for the first time. The victorious Colin Ross took first place for the third time, another Foxhunt first! Check out Gee's POV in the video above.
Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the b...
Watch Gee Atherton's GoPro View As He Passes 399 Riders | Foxhunt 2016
1 591 317 Views
from 26in
2 November 2016
► Watch the full replay from the UCI DH MTB finals: http://win.gs/UCIFINALS
When Aaron Gwin hangs up his racing shoes (many, many years from now), 2016 will still stand out as an important season among an already impressive career.
At the end of 2015, he walked away from the Specialized team with whom he'd wrapped up his third UCI World Cup overall title and caused an internet meltdown. Cyberspace had just about recomposed itself when he announced that he'd be riding a YT Industries bike...
Aaron Gwin's Hunt for a UCI Mountain Bike World Championship
383 723 Views
from freekordh
22 November 2016
Présentation du rider Samson Chaudy en Alsace
Samson chaudy Ride
from Louis Salaun
1 December 2016
Urban DH Grasse 2016 - Parisian Run - XTremEvents
Malgré ma chute dans le premier escalier 2:33 sur mon meilleur run !
Ma toute première course en DH ! Urban DH par XTremEvents - 3e Edition à Grasse.
Avec Gregoire :D
Sa chaine : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnay0ENUkzjtEVY-N2-wksA
Juste une tuerie ! Un super tracé dans les ruelles de Grasse ou les cintres viennent frotter les murs, les rebords des escaliers, les marches à ne plus savoir les compter tellement elles sont pa...
Urban DH Grasse 2016 - Parisian Run
128 236 Views
from granicols
20 November 2016
ça se casse la gueule ce matin mais pas trop de mal, c'est ça le métier de cascadeur.
PS: ceci est la définition de "taper dans le fond"
MTB Enduro Big Grash Big Fun!
2 493 Views
from Ride Motion
5 November 2016
Deuxième sortie à Bullion avec la team !
Rencontre dans un rider du spot !
Enjoy !
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