The BMC trailcrew has put together a film project for 2011. This is the first to come out, and it shows a pre-riding of the classic Transvésubienne race course, in the mountains above Nizza.
Transvésubienne is the benchmark hard-core XC race, with an average of 8 hours on great technical single tracks. Whether you know the place or not, check out the movie and come do the race with us!
Reco TransV, by BMC trailcrew
1 449 Views
from CubeBikesFrance
6 July 2012
Valérie et Nicolas (Cube Action Team) à l’assaut de l'Alpe d'Huez
1 383 Views
from Lucas_Stanus
13 September 2011
Sweden trailtrip by BMC trailcrew
1 158 Views |
from Grominey68
7 August 2013
One year after Sauze d'Oulx discovery with Enduro Mountainbike Magazine crew, Jordan Baumann, participant to the mythical Superenduro, decided to board Aurelien Knecht during a week, in order to avail the mountainous potential and doing some shots.
This Alpine town from « Provinzia di Torino », Piemonte, north Italia, is located to 1500m and deeply corresponds to enduro way of looking at things, following the framework established last year with « Enduro Way of life ».
Then, both frien...