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Selena ' Madonna ' Janet Jackson ' Fernando Javier Reyes A.K.A Mr. BaShFuL1 ' MUCH LOVE & RESPECT '
Selena ' Madonna ' Janet Jackson ' Fernando Javier Reyes A.K.A Mr. BaShFuL1 ' MUCH LOVE & RESPECT '

Selena ' Madonna ' Janet Jackson ' Fernando Javier Reyes A.K.A Mr. BaShFuL1 ' MUCH LOVE & RESPECT '

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Published 15/11/2014 - 22:29


Hi There My Name Is Fernando Javier Reyes. I'm Now 34 Years Old ' I'm A Cool 'Chill ' Very Kind Person. I Live In San Diego CA. Well Like I Was Saying In The Other Message I Was Asked To Write Onto YouTube ' So I Would Like To Share A Writing I Wrote When My Dad Was In The Hospital. See I Was My Fathers CareGiver And Before I Was Also My Mother CareGiver. My Mother Is In Heaven. Now My Dad Is Also. Its Just Hard When The Ones Your Taking Care Pass Away. ANYHOW HERE IS THE WRITING. Update My Dad Passed Away And Is Now In Heaven With My Beautiful Mother' Here Is A Writing I Wrote When My Father Passed Way I would Like To Share This Writing And Also A Recording I Put Together. ENJOY' Seeing ill Family Members' Seeing ill Family Members Make Me Push Harder EVERYDAY. In The Zone ALWAYS With God&Jesus. Mostly Great Super Days. WE ALL KNOW TO BE TRUE SOME DAYS DON'T GO AS PLANED, BUT ALWAYS find the way to making it work and making the best of the times. Even days that seem sad and dark with little light. Just like a ugly cloudy day the sun ALWAYS shines through. You may feel down at times but always remember to stay focused & strong minded. We are never left alone or left behind. We ever need help concentrate close your eyes and politely pray ask God&Jesus for wisdom and strength everyday & any thing that's on your mind at the time and ask for the help you need. & pray for it & do your part also. U will see U will get the help U need. It may not happen overnight Sometimes. But don't give up the Faith. Leave it in Gods Hand. If you don't know what to do. Just think about it & U will find an answer. We R never alone our Guardian Angel is always watching over us everyday think in Good Great Super thoughts' keep yourself tuned up & fit in a Doctor Health check up. SAFETY & HEALTH IS THE WAY TO BE' ALL I KNOW IS I'M ON TEAM GOD&JESUS EVERYDAY FEELING Awesome' We Love U God&Jesus THANKS FOR BEING PART Of OUR Lives. It just that my Father was in the hospital and just passed away'. But I'm still OK with Powerful God&Jesus my friends and Fathers<(God&Jesus). P.S. just to put it out there the songs I have in the background I have purchase the audio CD. & I do pay for my internet connection & my TV stations. &I support music by buying the songs and music I like'.