Riderpark Pizol: Freeski Sunday in the Park - 09.03.2014
Riderpark Pizol: Freeski Sunday in the Park - 09.03.2014
The view you get at the Riderpark Pizol is truly one of a kind – you can see as far as the Lake Constance and overview Austria, Switzerland, Germany and Lichtenstein. But also the fantastic setup of the park is eye-candy for the freestyle community. To give you a small glance of the park and the exceptionally scenery, we sent a professional film- and photo team to the park. They spent a whole day with some locals and recored their action-packed tricks, check it out.
Check the full report on qparks.com and riderparkpizol.ch/
Featured music available for free download: emersonjaymusic.bandcamp.com
Check the full report on qparks.com and riderparkpizol.ch/
Featured music available for free download: emersonjaymusic.bandcamp.com