Ich war unterwegs im Bikepark Brandnertal und begegnete meinem `DREAMGIRL´. War es schlussendlich doch nur ein Traum? :-)
Folge mir um keine Video´s von mir zu verpassen:
▶︎Youtube: Elias Schwärzler
Folge mir auch auf Insta, Facebook und Snapchat:
▶︎Instagram: elias_schwaerzler
▶︎Facebook: Elias Schwärzler
▶︎Snapchat: elisch9
MY DREAMGIRL - Elias Schwärzler
39 711 545 Views
from 26in
7 September 2017
See all the bikes and action from World Champs - http://www.vitalmtb.com/tags/2017_uci_mountain_bike_world_championships_event
Riders go ballistic at the 2017 UCI Mountain Bike World Championships in Cairns, Australia.
Deals on Mountain Bikes, Parts and Gear - http://bit.ly/2fwpl64
Vital MTB Links
Website: http://www.vitalmtb.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vitalmtb
Twitter: https://twitter.com/vitalmtb
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vitalmtb
Vital MTB Store
WILD & RECKLESS! World Champs DH Vital RAW
51 902 Views
from alexisrighetti
10 September 2017
Short edit d'une sortie shooting photo pour un reportage. Bientôt le making off... beaucoup plus long et plus fun !
I LOVE ROCKS – VTT freeride extrême, DH – Saint Lary, Hautes Pyrénées
12 557 Views
from 26in
14 September 2017
After attempting a 15-meter double backflip on his downhill bike, a trick only a handful of other athletes on the planet can perform, the Spaniard Adolf Silva lost control over his bike.
A small mistake in the landing forced him off the trail, into the in the Haider Alm backcountry.
He held onto his bike as long as he could but had to hit the eject button eventually and thankfully did not endure any harm.
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