from DAMMN
30 September 2013
Changing its location in France every year, the Volcom Wild In The Parks stopped last weekend for the first time in Bordeaux, the city of wine, classy students and amazing street spots.
Instead of organizing the contest at the outdoor public skatepark along the Garonne River, Volcom chose to work with the Darwin “urban eco-system”. The Darwin project uses old military buildings to host several cultural projects and associations.
Skateboarding wise, they started with a vert ramp and a wooden...
from freesporttv
30 September 2013
The Barrel crew began their pilgrimage for barrels back in January at the birthplace of surfing where huge Pacific swells pound the sands of Hawaii. On the fabled North Shore Harro filmed the humbling, crashing waves at Pipeline, Waimea Bay and up and down the reef-ringed coastline where surfers from around the world are drawn each winter. Check out this behind the scenes teaser of some of the guts and the glory rides that will feature in the movie, to be released in November.
from Fluofun
30 September 2013
In Wilder, Roxy showcases the urban endeavors of their team, and in doing so, highlights some of the best jibbing going on in women's snowboarding. Erin Comstock, Jessi Huege, Joanie Robichaud, Corinne Pasela, and Danyale Patterson have a keen, collective eye for sussing out the less beaten path in the streets and blazing forward with their distinct breed of creative riding. Wilder follows the crew as they traverse the landscape of one another's homes: Quebec, the Midwest, Salt Lake City, and...
from rider_du_col_38
29 September 2013
Lucas est monté quelques fois aux 2 alpes cet été, il a prêté sa caméra de temps a autres a des cadreurs extraordinaires, ou plutôt n'importe qui en train de chiller (toujours profiter des gens qui fument des clopes sur les transats). voici le résultat semi pas trop mais un peu quand même décevant de cet été durant lequel Lucas a marqué l'histoire du ski freestyle à JAMAIS!!!!! MOUHAHAHAHAAAAAAAA...!.!!!!
Sinon pour être un peu plus sérieux je remercie énormément mon sponsor: Born To Ride