from freesporttv
15 February 2021
In a never-done-before feat, cliff diving’s female favorite Rhiannan Iffland with her diving partner and local hero Constantin Popovici, pushed the boundaries of high diving to the next level as they leaped from the walls of the cone-shaped mining room into the underground high-salinity lake in the depths of Transylvania.
120m under the surface of the Earth and surrounded by a science fiction-like wonderland shaped by salt and humankind, the athletes’ bodies were decelerated from 85km/h to z...
from freesporttv
15 February 2021
In a never-done-before feat, cliff diving’s female favorite Rhiannan Iffland with her diving partner and local hero Constantin Popovici, pushed the boundaries of high diving to the next level as they leaped from the walls of the cone-shaped mining room into the underground high-salinity lake in the depths of Transylvania.
120m under the surface of the Earth and surrounded by a science fiction-like wonderland shaped by salt and humankind, the athletes’ bodies were decelerated from 85km/h to z...
from wellingtoncapitalgroup
6 February 2021
Winter in Michigan can be a beautiful experience! That is, until the pipes freeze in your home or underground and burst. Suddenly you are faced with a plumbing emergency!
Is your residential plumbing insulated for harsh winter weather? Are there any vermin deterrents in place to keep rodents from breaching your sewer pipes? There are a several ways that working with a professional plumber can help save you time and money now, and in the future.
Plumbers Downriver have been in the commun...
from fourinas42
13 January 2021
Les remontées mécaniques sont fermées dans les stations de ski mais une discipline suscite un véritable engouement : le ski de randonnée. Dans le massif du Sancy, dans le Puy-de-Dôme, ils sont de plus en plus nombreux à remonter les pentes en peau de phoque.
Pour en savoir plus : https://france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr/auvergne-rhone-alpes/puy-de-dome/video-puy-dome-succes-du-ski-randonnee-1913876.html
Intervenants : Zolt Ostian, guide de haute montagne
Marc Lacoste, club de free-ri...
13 January 2021
Notre randonnée en Split monoski Le Grand Huit aux Contamines Montjoie avec Pac.
1700m de D+ sur 22 Kms
Riders : Pac et Grefzy
Condition de neige : deux beaux hors piste , le HP du Rocher versant Hauteluce et le HP des Tierces avec une redescente par la Colombaz.
Une neige toujours incroyable sur le domaine.
le blog actualité du monoski : https://francemonoski.blogspot.com/