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One Jump Film Complet
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One Jump Film Complet

One Jump Film Complet

snowboard Video
Published 11/09/2015 - 09:48

1 501 views

A rider’s bag of tricks is a crucial element of their DNA as a snowboarder, each spin and grab variation works to solidify their identity. At the core of this equation is style, the real element that makes each rider’s tricks their own. Style separates the countless 900s of the world, elevates tricks to gold medal status and helps riders become icons.

Being able to inject your own personal flavor into a trick doesn’t come overnight; it’s a labor of love where creativity meets a bunch of laps off the same feature. Last summer, we brought together three riders and their unique approaches to the same single jump to create a film—the film that became “One Jump”.

The simplicity of having only a single jump served as a laboratory that let these three riders bring their tricks to life with unbridled creativity. With different approaches and different tricks, Stale Sandbech, Alek Ostreng and Jeff Hopkins tweaked, rotated, and ultimately left their individual fingerprints on this One Jump.

From double corks to methods tweaked to perfection, these three riders took this blank canvas and transformed it into something that is damn fun to watch.

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