Light in the sky

Light in the sky

Paul Alquier
Paul Alquier
outdoor Video
Published 06/11/2017 - 18:35

1 173 views

I believe that human beauty resides in his ability to play with nature, it is the best way to learn, to understand and to feel it...
That's why I wanted to make a video to put forward this communion. I decide to be a trip in the black mountain in the unknown, in my idea : find beautiful points of view.
That day, I was surprised to meet paragliders waiting for a good weather to be take off, I was very enthusiastic because this is a sport that I love, that makes me dream but I don't know yet.
After some friendly exchanges I decided to take out the drone to film them.
For a few moments I mix dreaming of the unknown, passion of video and drone to share with you this magic moment! Enjoy!

Spot : Dourgne (Tarn 81) FRANCE
Soundtrack : Blake Ewing - Momentum

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Instagram : @paul_alq

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