Gigi Rüf - Burn Units Rider
Arlberg local Gigi Rüf (29), is a true snowboarding icon. With over a decade of standout video parts with Absinthe Films and Pirate productions, Gigi is not only one of the most stylish snowboarders on the planet, he is also one of the hardest working. This year's release of his solo film Project 9191 ( confirmed his creative prowess, fulfilling a unique snowboard vision through multiple film mediums and an original soundtrack.
Gigi is to be the first and founding member of Burn Units, a rider-led initiative dedicated to igniting creativity within sideways standing communities. Joining Gigi will be French contest and video star Arthur Longo and Norwegian super-rookie Ståle Sandbech.
A dynamic style master with infinite imagination, Gigi's a backcountry freestyle founder - bringing park creativity and fun to out of bounds.
More about Gigi here:
Behind the scenes shots from the film here:
Keep up with Gigi on @burn Twitter: and