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Freestyle & Music for the Champs 2014
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Freestyle & Music for the Champs 2014

Freestyle & Music for the Champs 2014

snowboard Video
Published 18/03/2014 - 15:48


The Champs Open ended with beautiful weather here. The true spirit and roots of skiing and snowboarding was heavily felt throughout this awesome week.
The big air event also went down today in Leysin the riders jumped literary all day. The format of the contest was a jam with basically no rules but just to have fun. This is what this event is all about! The snowboarders and the skiers were all mixed together to put on a nice show for the spectators.
The contest was judged by the four teams that made the videos. They chose one winner for skiing and one for snowboarding. The lucky winners, Max Buri from Grindelwald won in the snowboarding category. He won a trip to California to go shoot with team Method and Laurent De Martin won in skiing and will also be going to California to join the Inspired team for a film trip.

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