Lords Of Tram GKA Big-Air Kite World Cup France - Day 1

Lords Of Tram GKA Big-Air Kite World Cup France - Day 1

kite Video
Published 02/04/2023 - 13:18


At the opening of the Lords of Tram GKA Big Air World Cup in Bacares (FRA) reigning world champion Mikaili Sol (USA)putting on an assured performance that saw her advance to the semi-finals in nuking conditions in the south of France. The 18-year-old multiple world title holder took no prisoners, throwing down massive mega-loops with back rolls as the wind headed towards 50 knots approaching the end of the day in Barcarès. But in a sign that the teenage prodigy may not get things all her own way, France’s Angely Bouillot also advanced up the order to reach the semi-finals, landing some of the best scores of the day. Several times the veteran Big Air rider—the only woman to compete in the Red Bull King of the Air—landed monster kite-loop board offs. One netted her a 9.0, the highest trick score of a day filled with breath-taking action. Sweden’s Nathalie Lambrecht and new-comer Francesca Maini (GBR) also progressed the semi-finals with strong performances that sent home rivals. Maini was slightly fortunate to get the better of Hawaii-based Karlie Thoma when her kite released in the huge gusts and she was disqualified for receiving unauthorised assistance. In the end, though, the first semi-final of the day between Bouillot and Lambrecht had to be aborted after several minutes because the wind hit 50 knots and the race director judged it was too strong and abandoned competition for the day.

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