from nimbus
20 March 2009
Austria - En route - Nimbus
5 036 Views |
from nimbus
5 November 2012
En Route Arlberg follows Pep Fujas and Eric Pollard on a journey to Austria where they meet up with Roman Rohrmoser to ski Arlberg, Austria. Natural jumps, spines, and a quick storm ski session all packed into three days of skiing.
Interested in going to ski in the same place? Check out:
Nimbus Independent was started in 2007 by Eric Pollard in collaboration with Pep Fujas, Andy Mahre, and Chris Benchetler. The four like minded skiers began Nimbus to bring a different pers...
En Route Arlberg
5 249 Views |
14 Dec
from nimbus
12 December 2010
Nimbus Independent's En Route Plan B is the third webisode of the 2010 season. The Nimbus Crew meets up with Sammy Carlson at his home stomping grounds for some extreme sliding, tags along with Fujas and Pollard on the Oregon coast for a bit of shark baiting, hits the mini and massive parks available at TImberline with Banks, Nyman and Sammy and closes by documenting Blake Nyman's travels to Germany to check out the Nine Knights Competition put on Nico Zacek.