from redbullfr
9 March 2015
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Step inside Gigi Rüf's world as he sets out to film his recent snowboard movie, Perceptions: an out of the box snowboard film by Pirate Movie Productions, coproduced by Red Bull Media House. Episode 4 takes the crew to India, specifically the Himalayas, for some mind-blowing backcountry lines.
Fresh Powder in the Himalayas - Perceptions - Ep 4
2 259 Views
5 Dec
from Fluofun
3 December 2015
The familia Niels, Alex and Sparrow are planning a trip through Kazakstan, India, Turkey and Mongolia. They're going to be living on that shoestring budget, street gypsy style, filming a video to bring some exposure to the under explored streets. If you wanna see the craziest snowboard video in all the lands, help the fam out with a little loose change.
Gus Engle
Victor Daviet
Louis-Felix Paradis
Sami Luthanen
Donate here:
Loose Change
1 390 Views |