from 26in
24 April 2018
Join me on my escape from the police in my newest film in Saalbach!
Snow, big jumps, angry police, helicopters and big airs. You'll see it all!
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Big thanks to Saalbach Hinterglemm and Red Bull for making this project happen!
Such a crazy time filming and producing this video. Can't wait to be riding in the summ...
Fabio Wibmer - Fabiolous Escape 2
173 289 485 Views
from 26in
2 October 2017
“If it ain’t broke, go break it” has been the principle objective behind our wheel development program from the start. Danny MacAskill was the first rider to get a pair of Reserve wheels and did a lousy job of fulfilling that objective. He filmed the entire “Wee Day Out” video on one pair, and only needed to tension the rear wheel spokes a quarter turn throughout the entire shoot—no mean feat considering some tricks took over 200 attempts to get right. So we sent Danny back out there, this ti...
Danny MacAskill Tests Santa Cruz Reserve Carbon Wheels
13 178 802 Views
from 26in
10 April 2018
Graubünden kann sich mit Stolz «Home of Trails» nennen. In keiner anderen alpinen Region gibt es auf so engem Raum so viele Trails. Ihrem Lockruf sind auch Danny MacAskill und Claudio Caluori gefolgt und haben ihre Abenteuer im Film «Home of Trails» festgehalten. Du möchtest in den Spuren der zwei Mountainbike-Profis fahren und die Trails und Spots aus dem Video entdecken?
Mehr Informationen zum Home of Trails:
Folge uns auf Instagram: @graubuendenbike...