The BanZag is a "freerando" competition taking place in Chamonix Mont-Blanc on the 15th of April 2014:
- The ascent is timed : vertical drop of 650meter
- The descent is judge by a jury of pro-riders and specialists
- An AVD search is timed and will account for 10% of your final grade. (Avalanche Transceiver)
If you are a good mix of our two fellows in the video then you have a good shot at winning the BanZag !
For more informations you can check our website out :
(All is in french you'll need google translate...)
Prize money is 3000€
Inscription fee is 50€ with the ski pass, a jersey, a breakfast at the riders' meeting and the BBQ after the race.
You can mail : for more information in english !
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