31 Oct
from skipass.com
26 October 2017
The Farm, un projet réalisé à Font-Romeu Pyrénées 2000 par Entraid Journal, la rédaction des agriculteurs.
Avec la participation de Class , Berthoud et Leboulch.
Pendant 1 semaine sur le snowpark de Font-Romeu après la fermeture de la station, nous avons imaginé des modules complétement décaler en melant le milieu agricole avec le monde de freestyle.
Production : Julien Mazard
Ski : Vince Maharavo
THE FARM - Vince Maharavo
41 219 Views
from zapiks
25 September 2017
►Watch Part 2 right here: http://win.gs/ExploringTheBalkans
Welcome to our two-part skate series in which two Red Bull athletes (Simon Stricker and Vladik Scholz) lead a squad of American sponsored skaters right throughout the former Yugoslavia. Using local contacts and experience, the project was able to take in skateboarding from Dubrovnik to Mostar, and Sarajevo to Belgrade. The team skate an abandoned bobsleigh track from the Sarajevo winter olympics which was used as an arms dump durin...
We took 6 skaters on a trip across the Balkans | Exploring the Balkans Ep. 1
33 667 Views