from Fifth Wheel Project
3 October 2016
Following 29 days of solo filming across Patagonia, Victor Liebenguth and all the Fifth Wheel Project team would like to share their first ever video, the first of a solid series.
This first opens the door to the Fifth Wheel concept, the manner in which we apprehend the elements while living out our passions in the mountains. Between the Ushuaïa powder and the Villarica Volcano's big lines, we offer you here an eco-friendly and DIY making (Do It Yourself) movie through the Andes !
from mikygunner
19 February 2008
4 297 Views
from euskalrider64
12 January 2010
4 077 Views |
from Deeper
3 February 2010
In our third installment of Deeper Unplugged, Jeremy Jones goes to Europe to catch up with Xavier De La Rue. Being in the French Alps at the beginning of their Deeper trip, they want to practice the dynamics of being roped up and start with some smaller, less committing lines. The Gervasuti Couloir, or supposed 'warm up line', is their canvas...
Deeper - Gervasuti Couloir
1 023 Views |
from Deeper
3 February 2010
In our 4th episode of Deeper Unplugged, Jeremy Jones meets up with Xavier De Le Rue in Bruson, Switzerland. They're plan is to shred a 3000m vertical drop zone in the French Alps called the Swiss Face. They pull an all-night hike and arrive at the base at 5am. Watch as they pull through their fatigue and hike a super sick line.
from Deeper
3 February 2010
In our latest installment of Deeper, Jeremy Jones, Travis Rice, Johan Olofsson, Jonaven Moore, and Tom Burt head in into the wilds of Alaska. They wanted to go past heli boundaries, find new terrain, and call the backcountry of Alaska home for a few weeks. See where they end up.
from cabri.ride
30 July 2020
Amazing Day in Les Courtes, Couloir Cordier!
One Push From the valley, we started at 1 o'cloc.
One of the best mémory of my Sping season this year!
from rfg
17 May 2020
A high mountain splitboard edit, day one after the end of the lockdown.
Location: France, Parc régional du Queyras, Pic de la Font Sancte, couloir Nord, 5.2.
Filmed with DJI mavic mini, iphone 6S and Sony AS200V.
from fourinas42
21 December 2019
Choose subtitle : English, French, Italian, Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, Russian, German. 4K & Fullscreen recommended. More infos :
SHELTER - Step forward through the legenday Alps
A tale of five adventurers back on the boards. Their passion: the most beautiful summits in the world and the freedom to ride them. This year, they decided to change the practice, minimizing their CO2 emissions and finding ways to stay as neutral as possible in a changing nature.
Determined to return to basic...
from Flowcmoi
13 June 2019
Retour en images sur notre ascension du Mont Blanc en le 08 Juin 2019. L'appareil photo nous a fait une jolie surprise en sauvegardant les quelques secondes autour de chaque prise de vue. J'en ai donc fait ce petit film ringard.
Un grand merci à Christophe Profit, l'alpiniste de légende et Ludo le gardien du refuge pour leurs conseils et encouragements qui nous ont permis d'arriver au sommet malgré des conditions difficiles.
Et puis bravo aux copains aussi ! Super content d'être retourn...