16 Oct
from skipass.com
15 October 2012
Japan is unique is so many different ways. The people, the food, the language, the architecture, the terrain, the trees, the art, the music. Everything is such a distinct contrast from what we are accustomed to. That is why we love to travel to Japan, to live a different way for a period of time. This re-edit is just one example of how night can be transformed into a powder paradise in the land of the rising sun.
from ridetheplanets
10 March 2010
Second podcast from Ride The Planets, live from Japan!
In the second webisode, 2 great days in Asahidake, van travel and lifestyle in Asahikawa.
Also, backstage shots of our latest production, TIME, that you will soon discover...
from ridetheplanets
10 March 2010
Second podcast from Ride The Planets, live from Japan!
In the second webisode, 2 great days in Asahidake, van travel and lifestyle in Asahikawa.
Also, backstage shots of our latest production, TIME, that you will soon discover...
from gilll
19 May 2019
Un mois de ski à Hokkaido avec une tonne de poudre, de belles randonnées et des paysages incroyables.
Locations : Rusutsu, Mont Yōtei, Furano et Asahidake
Song : Nothing to Lose (Zed Bias Instrumental) · Pieces Of A Man et KOHH - Paris (Sam Tiba Remix)
One Month in Hokkaidō by Gilles Luisier
from Robin Metral
4 April 2019
Sums up a few weeks wandering around Hokkaido, experiencing orgasmic face shots and sushi's massacre. Enjoy da clip !
from The Vertical Wanderer
26 December 2018
Follow my adventures around the world : www.theverticalwanderer.com & https://www.instagram.com/theverticalwanderer/
After hours of digging through my yearly archives, I am proud to present you my 2018 GoPro Best off!
From Japan to Indonesia, passing by Morocco, Spain, and many other countries, this year has been incredible. I've skied deep powder, railed crystal blue waves and ridden incredible trails.
I would like to thanks all the people I traveled with this...
Around the World with Charlie - Gopro 2018
3 579 Views
from The Vertical Wanderer
26 December 2018
Follow my adventures around the world : www.theverticalwanderer.com & https://www.instagram.com/theverticalwanderer/
After hours of digging through my yearly archives, I am proud to present you my 2018 GoPro Best off!
From Japan to Indonesia, passing by Morocco, Spain, and many other countries, this year has been incredible. I've skied deep powder, railed crystal blue waves and ridden incredible trails.
I would like to thanks all the people I traveled with this...
Around the World with Charlie - Gopro 2018
3 579 Views
from The Vertical Wanderer
26 May 2018
So after 2 weeks spent skiing the hills of Hokkaido, I've put a few clips together of our fails and crashes. No skier got hurt in the making of that video, can't say the same about their ego.
Full article at https://wp.me/p9PfDx-oQ
Don't forget to follow me on my socials : @theverticalwanderer
Full blog : www.theverticalwanderer.com
from The Vertical Wanderer
26 May 2018
February 2018, I finally decided to go skiing Japan, I've been wanting to go for years and now was the time to do so.
To make the most of it, me and my brother rented a
Campervan, which allowed us to tour the whole island depending on the snow falls from the previous day, epic trip!
If you liked the video and wish to ski the Hokkaido Island just like us, have a look at the full article at:
Don't forget to follow me on my socials for more ski / surf...
from The Vertical Wanderer
8 May 2018
In February 2018, I decided to go and ski Mount Furano in Japan, Hokkaido.
Here is a one minute video showing what it looks like to ski the deepest powder in the world.
Want to ski there too? Check the article and find out how to get there :
from Ubac Images
6 March 2018
Partez skier en immersion avec Julien Colonge au coeur de l'île d'Hokkaido, l'île la plus septentrionale du Japon.
Une semaine de voyage entre poudreuse, temples et ramens!
Saurez-vous reconnaître les différents spots, et les différents plats?
Réalisation Ubac Images