from Wipod4
27 February 2015
Trail illustr8ors : Violence sample 1
Please be advised :
Strobe lightning and flashing images will be used
during this performance
Heart Attack
from PYU_
21 January 2015
Clip #21
from TVQuiberon
22 November 2016
Mise a mort d'un vieil arbre à Quiberon dans le Morbihan en Bretagne-sud, pres de la Grande-Plage à l'occasion de la construction d'un petit immeuble par un promoteur.
L'arbre faisait partie du patrimoine local, impossible de ne pas admirer son tronc legerement penché et ses immenses branches.
Attention, les images qui suivent peuvent choquer les ames sensibles et nos jeunes internautes. Reportage HD - TV Quiberon 24/7 - 22 Novembre 2016
Mise a mort d'un bel arbre - TV Quiberon 24/7
3 219 Views
from 26in
2 October 2017
“If it ain’t broke, go break it” has been the principle objective behind our wheel development program from the start. Danny MacAskill was the first rider to get a pair of Reserve wheels and did a lousy job of fulfilling that objective. He filmed the entire “Wee Day Out” video on one pair, and only needed to tension the rear wheel spokes a quarter turn throughout the entire shoot—no mean feat considering some tricks took over 200 attempts to get right. So we sent Danny back out there, this ti...