from Fluofun
28 August 2013
Picking up where we left off...
After Jack Kerouac and The Beats came Ken Kesey and his Merry Band of Pranksters. Kesey was a best-selling author turned acid-freak, who was largely responsible for the psychedelic revolution of the 1960s. But, before Kesey and crew started frying the masses, they took a trip across the country in a 1938 International school bus. They dubbed the rig Further and their mission was simple: they were searching for a cool place. Just like us...
Search for a...
Search for a Cool Place: Trailer
from Fluofun
14 August 2013
THis Is our 2012-2013 filmed season of a wild movie called (Dont Give A Bloody Sox) , enjoy and watch the film when it drops..
Ben Berberich
Cody Potter
Greyson Clifford
Joseph Dryer
Lou Macias
Mark Rainery
Niko Nakamura
Sean Fithian
Tom Semotuk
Tyler Morton
Friend Shred:
Austin Gregory
Ben Lynch
Scott Askins
Gregg McCauley
Jamal Dhayni
Bret Greismer
Sheldon Daley
Morgan Anderson
Mike Branson
Mark Kelsic
Bryce Salazar
Kit Hendrickson
Ryan Airrington
Dont Give A Bloody Sox!! TEASER!!
1 012 Views
28 May 2013
One does not simply film an edit with Adam Delorme. First he must be tracked down, which is no small task in itself. Then he needs to be followed with a camera at very high speeds for long stretches of time, because he does not like the wait around to setup shots. And most importantly, you have to keep the camera rolling because you never know what you might miss.
Enjoy Adam's second "A Walk in the Park" edit.
Music: "Piledriver" by Dennis the Fox