from VAS_Entertainment
19 May 2009
In the chaos of a new generation, one rider named Sam Hill has made a statement by winning the World Championships and the World Cup overall in the same season, but more than just race results his influence on the sport will run deep for many years. With every top rider pushing harder and faster than ever before, The Law of Fives captures each aspect of this incredible race season, but when the clock has stopped running the hungry young guns keep pushing the limits just for the camera, and in...
Earthed 5 : The Law of Fives MTB
5 470 Views
from VAS_Entertainment
19 May 2009
Earthed - Death or Glory - reeks of the same handpicked
juju juice-berries of previous Rankin releases, only it's even
more focused. Featuring every World Cup round from
2006, from the sunny beaches of Brazil and Spain, to the
drenched mountain-tops of Scotland and Quebec, the fine
line between Death Glory is so close you taste it. Having
witnessed one of the most competitive years ever in the
world of DH racing, to find those extra 100th seconds is
harder than ever before, this film document...
Earthed 4 : Death or Glory MTB