Visit Qatar GKA Freestyle Kite World Cup, Fuwairit, QAT, 2023 - Highlights of Day 1 (Training-Day)

Visit Qatar GKA Freestyle Kite World Cup, Fuwairit, QAT, 2023 - Highlights of Day 1 (Training-Day)

kite Video
Published 03/02/2023 - 14:16


The opening day of the Visit Qatar GKA Freestyle Kite World Cup at Fuwairit Kite Beach Resort in Qatar saw bright blue skies and warm southerly winds at the event site all day.
In the end the wind didn’t become suitable to make a start to the competition at this opening event of the Qatar Airways GKA Kite World Tour season, especially as there are stronger northerly winds forecast later in the week.
Competitors took advantage of the available conditions to hit the lagoon at this amazing new location.

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