from mscrew
11 June 2008
Teaser du nouveau film des prod. suisse MonkeyStyle et Green Box.
Shooté entre autres à Villars, Avoriaz, Les Crosets, Thyon, Les Diablerets et Crans Montana avec Gil Mayencourt, Lionel Dupertuis, Nils Diem, Jolan Chappaz, Loïc Riedi, Papillon Coasne, Robin Dupasquier, Laurent DeMartin, Jonathan Monnay, Yannick Moret, Greg Perrenoud, Timothée Dorsaz, Loïc Schmidely et encore plein d'autres...
from kikistyler
28 May 2008
Teaser de la saison 07-08 de la Greebs crew
Shot in leysin, villars, diablerets... Featuring Yannick Guillermin, Yoann Roulet, Romain Erard... Switzerland
from msprod
30 April 2008
Freeriding for everybody together with the best professionnals . european riders and experience mountain guides. An event where profesionnal riders introduce the pulic to the unique feeling of the powder of Glacier 3000 and they promote this event as the end of the season meeting point in the Alps. The special hignlight for all participants is the abseiling - 70m. - during a freeride run.
from Referencias.TV
28 December 2006
3 minutes of FREESKI of high level in the HALFPIPE of LES DIABLERETS(Swiss) + some good tricks in the RAILS of its SNOWPARK. ProRiders, members of the National Team of France (Junior), England and Switzerland... Choriqueso and DemoniumCamps Campers .../... 3 minutos de FREESKI de alto nivel en el HALFPIPE de LES DIABLERETS(Suiza) + algunos buenos trucos en las BARANDILLAS de su SNOWPARK. ProRiders, miembros de los equipos nacionales de Francia (Junior), Inglaterra y Suiza... Campers de Choriq...