from Benjamin Eyraud
21 November 2014
First session of this new season. With Gaspard at Les 2 Alpes for the opening of the glacier, and with an awesome weather.
Riders :
- Gaspard
- Benjamin
Editing :
- Benjamin
Music :
Breakbot - Easy Fraction
Camera :
GoPro Hero 3 Silver
from jeremski
3 November 2014
Les Deux Alpes openned their doors for holidays, I've been lucky enough to spend 2 days there filming with Erwan Pelisser from EP médias. Here is a summary of this week end.
Thanks to those guys without who things wouldn't be as dope : Volkl, Dakine,, XSories, SFR, marker et Oakley.
29 Oct
27 October 2014
5600 skieurs se sont rendus ce week-end aux 2 Alpes pour profiter de belles conditions sur le glacier . Les vacances de la Toussaint marquent en quelque sorte le début de la saison pour tous les freestyleurs, le snowpark des 2Alpes étant l'un des rares ouverts en Europe à cette période de l'année. Nous étions sur place avec en renfort un photographe, un cadreur et une grosse poignée de riders motivés en manque de glissade.
from AloneCollective
24 August 2013
Here we come with the second issue of Bang it! The summer diary from Les Deux Alpes.
This time our lens focused on Jack Errichiello, the youngster of the collective.
He cannot legally drink or drive a car but his feet can put his snowboard deck almost where he wants and he has that inimitable and rooted nigga steez that we all love so much.