hello, i'm joaquin soriano, rider RideEasy, i love get ride girl on the chair :D
3.6 invert
5 960 Views
from Easy
21 August 2008
3.6 turndown
4 648 Views
from FaFaR
30 April 2008
Session by FaFaR
1 625 Views
from FaFaR
1 March 2008
JAM Champ de Tir 23 Fev. 08
1 606 Views
from StepUpAgency
12 March 2011
Following Andreu Lacondeguy on the first day of training during M.O.D Vienna...
Riding FMX and MTB on the superkicker ramp with felloz friends Martin, Yannick, Tony and Bienvenido...
Training day @M.O.D Vienna with Andreu Lacondeguy and friends
31 569 Views |
from StepUpAgency
15 March 2011
Here is what you missed if you weren't at the Masters of Dirt in Vienna 2011. A huge show, crazy tricks and amazing riders !
Check it out, everything is inside !
M.O.D 2011-Vienna's show.
31 406 Views |
16 Jul
from Mavic
15 July 2012
Everybody knows that Andreu Lacondeguy is a legend on the dirt jumps. But what makes a guy like this wake up every morning and want to ride? Fabien Barel goes to visit, learn the secrets, and he brings us this Episode 3 in the series "Fabien Barel Presents." It turns out, there's no secret. Lacondeguy is driven by the same forces that drive every mountain biker: curiosity, adventure, and the pursuit of flow. Watch as these guys explore new lines in the desert, find fluidity on the dirt jumps,...
"Pick up the flow" starring Andreu Lacondeguy - Fabien Barel presents Episode 3