In this installment of Trail Hunter, Matt Hunter and the gang head to the wilds of Patagonia to brave the elements and ride some volcanoes. Yeah, we're serious. You have to watch to it to believe it.
Director/Cinematographer : Matt Miles
Produced : Matt Hunter
Trail Hunter – Patagonia
324 437 Views
18 Sep
13 September 2015
The lights haven’t gone out yet! Sweetgrass Productions is back with Darklight, a film that takes viewers back into a world of light and color. Supported by innovative television manufacturer Philips TV, this is the third collaboration between the soulful filmmakers at Sweetgrass Productions and Swedish creative house Ahlstrand and Wållgren. Follow professional mountain bikers Graham Agassiz, Matt Hunter, and Matty Miles on a mind-bending night ride through the moonscapes of Southern Utah to...
Sweetgrass Productions - Darklight Trailer
4 709 Views |
from Jean-Baptiste Bazzarini
30 April 2014
It's been more than 2 years since we shot the first "Benoît Guimier à Lourdes". It's thanks to that video that I am where I am right now so Benoit and I had to shot the sequel!
Firt one :
Benoît Guimier à Lourdes 2 - Death Gripping le Pic du Jer
3 467 Views |
from JonBokrantz
26 May 2014
You all know the drill: summer is here, and ain't nobody got time to mess around. The only things that matters are riding, eating, sleeping, repeating. So, sometimes you just got to keep things simple. No elaborate story, no talk, no B-roll, fillers or scenery. 100% free from time-consuming slow motion, and with entertainment as the sole purpose. No Fuzz. Full Throttle. Here's to the summer of 2014, let's make it one to remember!