Ian Matteoli has seriously GOT GAME!
He is 9 yers old, speaks fluent English, Italian and French. Has 13 girlfriends (we assume) Makes fly-fishing tackle, Plays the harmonica and absolutely kills it on a snowboard!
This little monster is 28kg of awesome unstoppable fun!
Watch him and Alex Stewart destroy Vars snowpark in what will be the youngest Rusty Toothbrush video part EVER!
Ian Matteoli's GOT GAME
8 817 Views
29 Feb
from Aventures Enneigées
17 February 2016
Aventures Enneigées : Épisode 3 - Enfin de la Neige
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from SK2L
29 June 2015
Sébastien Konijnenberg Season 2014-2015
2 630 Views
from Sista Céline Glachant
15 June 2015
Chèvre Park : Spring Session 2015
from Nitro Snowboard
4 March 2015
Nitro - Un jours à Vars avec Louis Labertrande et Bastien Sturma