"Baptism of fire" in Hawaii

"Baptism of fire" in Hawaii

surfing Video
Published 01 April 2011


Volcom Europe's juniors went last month on their very first mission at the "Proving Grounds". Marcelino Botin, Andy Criere, Angelo Bonomelli, PC Distinguin, and William Aliotti had the privilege to stay at the Volcom House, right in front of the infamous "Pipeline". Arriving late in the season, the boys found empty beds in the "Dungeon", and less crowded North Shore line-ups. Still, there was no special treatment.
Each of the boys experienced the meaning of "pay your dues", a commonly used phrase on the North Shore. With the intensity of the spot and people, and the degree of surfing commitment, the Volcom House experience ended up being both challenging and rewarding. In the end, the boys all got into humbling situations but they all seized the moment, and got a great confidence boost to bring back home. Look for PC's waves on his next episode "On the road with PC episode 3" soon to be posted on the volcomeurope.com.