21 Feb
from Fluofun
20 February 2018
With one week left for the Olympics, it couldn't be better timing for BYND x MDLS to come back baby! Just about the polar opposite of the organized comp going on in South Korea, (read about their start here) BYND MDLS tosses judgement and rules aside to focus just on wildly talented snowboarding and the wildly talented humans strapped in to those said snowboards. Dropping all their B footage in these episodes throughout the season, Kevin, Tor, and the BYND X MDLS crew are currently filming fo...
Japan Powder with BYND X MDLS 2018: Episode 1
60 583 Views
16 Sep
from Fluofun
10 September 2015
Caution: Watching this may cause you to want to go snowboarding. 686 presents 36 minutes of snowboarding through the collective third eye of the youth - an experimentation of moving imagery pushing progression, set to auditory reverberations. Filmed in the streets and mountains of the USA, Canada, France, Austria, Russia and Japan by the 686 team.
Prudence : regarder cette vidéo peut provoquer l'envie d'aller faire du snowboard. 686 présente 36 minutes de snowboard à travers le collectif,...