23 February 2013
Vous aimez la garbure, le bon vin, les strings en peau de bouc ? Aucune hésitation : Viendez nombreux, déguisés et très bêtes le samedi 16 Mars à Gourette sur le LASTAGE ZARBI Tour.
Au programme :
- shooting pour le "Airfood project" le matin (Opération ZARBI Day're : 7 € forfait journée + 1 panier repas reversé aux restos du coeur ou 1 frippe recyclée par Le Relais ou 1 donation libre pour Mountain riders à chaque personne venant déguisée)
- ZARBI contest l'après midi et début de soirée p...
from mountainriders
16 May 2011
Mountain Riders has been working since 2001 for the promotion of sustainable development throughout France's mountain territories. We aim to work with both the public and private sectors as well as the nearly 20 million skiers, snowboarders and tourists that come to the Alps every year, to set up concrete and sustainable actions. Our philosophy : inform, don't lecture, work with everyone, and make change a positive process by creating the space for proposals of potential solutions and concret...