Du ski, du trampo, du fun, des copains... La joie de vivre à l'état pure transmise autour des sessions ski et trampoline des athlètes de la Bam Family !
Bam Freeski Party
1 528 Views
from Raphael Herranz
5 January 2015
Dylan Florit / Guillaume Sbrava / Coline Ballet-Baz / Valerian Ducourtil / Julien Gourceau / David Romain / Sam Gaskin / Elisa Musquet / Hugo Monmont / Yoann Agbetou / Raphael Herranz.
The family of 2 Alpes ride the park and it's nice to masturbate without neurons.
When the Freestyle Club of 2 Alpes lead by Julien Gourceau (shred coach) passes a small day to shred home.
Follow we through the training and trips .